Monday, December 29, 2008


What makes a connection? Is it things you have in common such as interests? Is it things you have in common such as values? Is it a time and space issue, like we spend so much time together, we bond. Are there connections you make that will never go away, or will they all fade with time. As adults, do you go stick with friends you have a history with or do you make new friends as you change and grow. Is it all of the above?

Have you ever made a soulful connection, but there just is not enough time in the day to spend with that person? These are all questions that I am thinking about lately. Lifelong friends not acknowledging life changes, old friends making you a priority again letting you know what you had mattered. New friends connecting at your soul, but life not allowing for the connection to grow. People you feel were friends, but they just don't have room for you any more or friends you had before kids, don't relate to your new priorities. The deal is relationships take work. I choose to put energy in to those who wish to return the energy and let things go that are beyond my ability to change them.

I will continue to put out the positive energy I feel and see where life takes me. One thing I know for sure is that I will never take for granted those who have given me so much throughout the years. Those who have loved me for who I am no matter what else is going on. Those who accepted me in whatever state I was in, fat, thin, married, single, with or without child, happy or sad, working or searching. Thank you for reminding me not to accept anything less that the highest quality of friend. Thank you for showing me what that is.

Haiden Withdrawl

Since I had five days home with my baby (well, she is two now) girl, I miss her today.

I just talked to her on the phone, she is at Grandma's. The conversation went something like this...

"Hi, I am having fun," said Haiden.

"Good, are you being good for Grandma?" I asked.

"yeah, I am getting ready to go to sleep." She said.

"Are you tired?" I asked.

"Yeah, can I see you when you wake up?" She asked.

My heart melted.

"Mommy will see you after work," I said.

"I love you Mommy."

"I love you too, sweat pea."

Grandma went back to reading her stories. Seriously, how did I get so lucky? My daughter is very happy, very verbal and has a spirit that shines right through that cute little gap in her two front teeth. I am a lucky woman.

They say write down all the cute things they say or you might forget. So, I am going to start writing.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas/Holiday Cards

So, here is the deal. We ran out of Christmas cards...big family and we've moved a big list....If you are reading this HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

I thought of you...

Snow. . . It's coming now.

Yeah, it is winter now. Just saying.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Love Actually

I have so much love for my life partner. I enjoy laughing with him and sharing time together. Sometimes, there are special moments that remind me of the early days. I am remind me of the initial connection that we have built upon. Those moments are just...well...fantastic! I feel lucky to have love actually.

Say What?!

I had a great weekend filled with friends.

First, I had a college years reunion with two girl friends, both of whom were in our wedding eleven years ago. It was nice to hang out with such ease. Even if C cancelled, last minute. We still had a great time...and I expect him to come through with that making it up to us :).

Second, Wayne and I went to the MSU game with two of the most fabulous people on earth and had a great dinner at Red Lobster...seeing how few people were there was guess is due to the economy. But the game and the company rocked! Mom was a free sitter, can't beat that either.

Third, we took Haidie to an otherwise all adult gathering at the Smite's. Nice to see many of our friends and hang out eating some great homemade soups and goodies, playing games that make me laugh! Haidie was great and Wayne was a champ allowing me to have fun!

This time of year people you love are important. I find myself missing my late Grandmother very much. I also miss my military family, Dave, Heather, Mo, Mark, John, Michelle, Nick, Jen, Brian, the kids...and many, many more. I miss them all so much and have the greatest memories we have all shared together during holiday's past. As I spend time with my local friends and family...I can't help but to miss my "away" friends so much. Love to you all...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Random Thoughts-Time and Shirley MacClain

Time: I heard that 10:10 pm is the best time to be creative and to solve problems. I have also heard that the shower produces a zen like effect to assist in a meditative like state for creativity and thoughts to flow. So, I ask you this...since my clock in my bathroom is stuck at 10:10, does that in itself mean that I will always be creatively thinking when I am in the shower?

Second thought...totally unrelated.

Shriley? I was people watching as I often do and realized that I am not just a "chipper gal" who likes to spread cheer. When entering the building every morning, for example, I can't help to say, "Good morning," to the sleepy student working the front desk or the facilities staff carefully de-icing the sidewalks after the machine did a so-so job. I can't help but to make small talk on the elevator or thank someone out loud for holding a door open for me. I can't resist chatting it up with the students and staff I see daily in the cafeteria. As I watch others, most are not inclined to communicate with some of these folks. It is not that they are rude individuals. I'll back up a bit, let's take the student working the door of the cafeteria. When you enter the cafeteria, there is a student that slides other students cards through for entry, takes cash for those paying as one time guests or collects tickets from those of us who get them through working at Case Hall. That is her/his job. Day after day, person after person -- and we are talking about thousands of students per day handling everyone who enters. Ok, back go my observation of the non talkers. Some have their ipods on and just going through the motions of their day not to acknowledge or ignore, just to be. Some are talking with the people they will sit with for lunch. Some look like they have a hang over and are glad to be able to walk--an all-nighter look at least. Some seem inconvenienced to have to wait five seconds if there is a line, and then there are a few who know the student worker and shout out the good ole' "what up?"-but not really looking for a response. There are a few people that acknowledge the student doing their job and divert the energy of the assembly line process. I am one of these people. For me, it is not that I can't shut up--as I know many of you are thinking...although it is a fair thought, based on my affinity to chatter. It is that I can't ignore the energy I feel while in the presence of others. It is not just following customs and courtesies like I am sure some of the other greeters follow. It is deliberate. It is important to me. It is an organic push to connect with the other energy, to acknowledge the space and time we share and to respect the presence as a life form rather than the task handler of an assembly line process. Now, I know this sounds like I have been reading some Shirley MacClain books or something, but alas, no. I just realized as I shook a student out of their daze this morning into a shock because someone spoke to them and there was a five second delay in the students response of "good morning?" that the greeting was not typical. I am sure others of you are thinking...leave them alone, let them be sleepy and dazed- you are probably driving them crazy! But, I don't get this sense. I don't stop and have a half hour conversation when they are clearly fighting to stay awake, I simply say, "good morning," "Stay warm," "Have a great night." or some such greeting. The response I feel is energy awakening, momentary connectivity and real time interaction.

Those are my thoughts for today. Feel free to in the moment I am reading the comments, we are connected-as is our energy...(I couldn't resist to add this piece!). Maybe I should read some Shirely MacClain... :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

I thought Santa was supposed to be a jolly old fella

He does exist! Although he seems a bit, uh, grumpy. I was told in story after story that Santa was a jolly old fella. Well? This is my evidence to the contrary...

As you can see when Haiden was 3 months, she starred at the design on the 1 year three months she was petrified of him when he spoke (she wasn't too fond of men at the time), and this year she did much better.

Look how much bigger she is...they grow so fast. I know everyone says that and I see her everyday and don't notice it as much. When I look back at pictures, I wonder, where did my little baby go? Well, she is a toddler now and knows what Christmas is. When Santa asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she replied, "a house." He gave her a little ball. She slid off his lap and gave him a high five. She went back twice to thank him...she REALLY liked the ball. What fun it is to see the holidays through the eyes of a child. And...she had on a slammin' outfit, don't you think?