Monday, December 29, 2008
Have you ever made a soulful connection, but there just is not enough time in the day to spend with that person? These are all questions that I am thinking about lately. Lifelong friends not acknowledging life changes, old friends making you a priority again letting you know what you had mattered. New friends connecting at your soul, but life not allowing for the connection to grow. People you feel were friends, but they just don't have room for you any more or friends you had before kids, don't relate to your new priorities. The deal is relationships take work. I choose to put energy in to those who wish to return the energy and let things go that are beyond my ability to change them.
I will continue to put out the positive energy I feel and see where life takes me. One thing I know for sure is that I will never take for granted those who have given me so much throughout the years. Those who have loved me for who I am no matter what else is going on. Those who accepted me in whatever state I was in, fat, thin, married, single, with or without child, happy or sad, working or searching. Thank you for reminding me not to accept anything less that the highest quality of friend. Thank you for showing me what that is.
Haiden Withdrawl
I just talked to her on the phone, she is at Grandma's. The conversation went something like this...
"Hi, I am having fun," said Haiden.
"Good, are you being good for Grandma?" I asked.
"yeah, I am getting ready to go to sleep." She said.
"Are you tired?" I asked.
"Yeah, can I see you when you wake up?" She asked.
My heart melted.
"Mommy will see you after work," I said.
"I love you Mommy."
"I love you too, sweat pea."
Grandma went back to reading her stories. Seriously, how did I get so lucky? My daughter is very happy, very verbal and has a spirit that shines right through that cute little gap in her two front teeth. I am a lucky woman.
They say write down all the cute things they say or you might forget. So, I am going to start writing.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Christmas/Holiday Cards
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Love Actually

Say What?!

First, I had a college years reunion with two girl friends, both of whom were in our wedding eleven years ago. It was nice to hang out with such ease. Even if C cancelled, last minute. We still had a great time...and I expect him to come through with that making it up to us :).
Second, Wayne and I went to the MSU game with two of the most fabulous people on earth and had a great dinner at Red Lobster...seeing how few people were there was guess is due to the economy. But the game and the company rocked! Mom was a free sitter, can't beat that either.
Third, we took Haidie to an otherwise all adult gathering at the Smite's. Nice to see many of our friends and hang out eating some great homemade soups and goodies, playing games that make me laugh! Haidie was great and Wayne was a champ allowing me to have fun!
This time of year people you love are important. I find myself missing my late Grandmother very much. I also miss my military family, Dave, Heather, Mo, Mark, John, Michelle, Nick, Jen, Brian, the kids...and many, many more. I miss them all so much and have the greatest memories we have all shared together during holiday's past. As I spend time with my local friends and family...I can't help but to miss my "away" friends so much. Love to you all...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Random Thoughts-Time and Shirley MacClain

Monday, December 8, 2008
I thought Santa was supposed to be a jolly old fella

As you can see when Haiden was 3 months, she starred at the design on the 1 year three months she was petrified of him when he spoke (she wasn't too fond of men at the time), and this year she did much better.
Look how much bigger she is...they grow so fast. I know everyone says that and I see her everyday and don't notice it as much. When I look back at pictures, I wonder, where did my little baby go? Well, she is a toddler now and knows what Christmas is. When Santa asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she replied, "a house." He gave her a little ball. She slid off his lap and gave him a high five. She went back twice to thank him...she REALLY liked the ball. What fun it is to see the holidays through the eyes of a child. And...she had on a slammin' outfit, don't you think?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Dinner. No nutrition included.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
A Lot on My Mind - Politics and Keeping It Real

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My Inspiration
She has worked tirelessly to stand up and be heard. She has worked on behalf of those who are often quieted. I see the connection. I feel inspired. My mom was raised in a small town on a farm. Last week she was walking miles and miles for hours and hours, literally, in one of the worst areas of Flint, MI to make sure that EVERY person knew their rights, their polling place and their worth. She was often paired up with people more than half her age and she kept on going. She was stopped in a neighborhood and asked what she was doing there. She told them, their eyes and spirits met. That is what mattered. My mom sees people for who they are beyond the exterior in a way that people respond to. She saw devastation from industry that no longer exists in a neighborhood demolished, partially burnt down and ravaged by the circumstance of loosing a factory in what was once a middle class working neighborhood.
My mom is tough. Dedicated. Hard working. Motivated. Courageous. She is the epitome of what is happening everywhere. She is working to bring people together. She worked for her job and then on her own on every one of her days off for the past several months to work toward hope. Hope in elections big and small and proposals popular and unpopular. She walked the streets of Meridian Township, she walked the streets of Flint. She walked in the sun, she walked in the rain. She had doors slammed in her face, she was greeted with anger and she kept on going. She knew that if one person was informed, touched or motivated it was worth it. She was also greeted with hope, which kept her going. She had strangers over to her house to make calls to get out the vote. Strangers with a common cause-which of course bonded them beyond knowing each other personally, but rather knowing each others commitment and values. She did the things that many people are intimidated to do and she did it without complaint and with determination.
I have hope. Thanks mom. She doesn't read blogs, she doesn't get putting all of your feelings out-especially to strangers...but the funny thing is that is what she does in person every day she empowers someone else or is there to hear them. We are more alike than different. I owe my mom a lot. She continues to inspire me. Her passion is contagious. Congratulations to my mom. She was a part of the success being felt by the majority of this country and it couldn't be done with out people like her. I couldn't be me without her either. Words can't express my thanks I hope my actions do.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Buttery Goodness

Friday, October 17, 2008
It's Sock Weather

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Public Radio Anyone?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Toronto Fun
10. 14 hours in the learn a lot about each other--or sleep? Both good options.
9. You can have fun doing a traffic jam...if you have the right company. (Where ya at...ew?
8. There are women who ARE drama free.
7. I love Peach Blossoms...
6. Phrases can be repeated over and over and they still get betcha.
5. Canadians know way more about our politics than I know about theirs...sorry.
4. Most people DO snore...even...
3. Six women can sit quietly when there is fantastic food on the table.
2. Amsterdam is an interesting place too......
1. I am lucky.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
It's Official No Talking About Politics At Work

The official memo came out today about not discussing politics at work or on work time.
"Refrain from public displays of positions and candidates on agency property and time. This includes materials as well as use of email." This is a good policy. It makes sense that we work while at work and not create any strain between co-workers. A few emails have gone out in the past two weeks, sure to offend some that don't agree with others' positions. I have caught myself saying, "did you watch the debate?" I clearly understand and appreciate the position of the leadership.
However, it got me thinking...

Could I have a picture of a pig with lipstick displayed?

Can I talk about the fact that we can't talk about politics--or would the mention of politics then be talking about politics?
Alas, my brain spin from all of the "what ifs" took at least five minutes.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Amazing Race Starts Tonight...
Great weekend though!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Too Tired...I'm with Seinfeld

I agree with Jerry Seinfeld that the remote control finger must be the last thing to fall asleep...but I must update the bit a bit. He says, when you are very tired, you fight it to watch TV. GO TO BED, stop searching for entertainment when you are so tired you are just scanning channels. Entertain me, you must think. Entertain me.
Well, I blog when I am so tired I could....... Oh, sorry...... fall asleep. So, not only do I believe the finger that operates the remote control is the last to fall asleep, but I say all the fingers are the last things on your body to fall asleep. Case and point. I am writing this.
Oh, side note: I hear employers check your facebook and follow links to your blog, so--ahem, " Jaimie would be a great employee. She is dedicated, smart and hardworking. Any employer would be glad to have her positive energy around." --anonymous (or me....too hard of a sell?)
OK, off to sleep so I can have all the energy I need for work tomorrow *wink.
Friday, September 19, 2008
She Smiled
Our first family photo...
Two years ago today my life changed. New love came flooding in like the waters of Niagara. She looked at me and starred longingly as I sang to her that first day. Her dark thick hair was beautiful and reflective of her Brazilian heritage. Her sparkling blue eyes had something more behind them. A knowing. A knowing of who we were. She now has light brown hair and hazel eyes...just like her Mommy. She knows her alphabet and sings along with me now. She is fascinated by the Wiggles and Sesame Street characters, although TV is limited in our house...somehow, she knows every character! Her hugs feel like the warmth of the sun encasing my body. Her smiles and laugh give me the purest of joy. Even her new phrase, "no, I can't" warms my heart! The way she says I love you fills my world with every breath.

18 months! She finally started walking. We were so proud!

Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday Weirdness? I am seeing spots...well, spot.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Experiment-The Odyssey? We will see.

Conference Let Down
I went to the 7th Annual Substance Abuse Conference this Monday and Tuesday at the Lansing Center. As far as conferences go, it was mediocre at best. There were a few presenters that I could have listened to all day long, but the rest left me wondering...what was going on? I think I should submit to a conference someday. Certainly I could put something together that was better than much of what I heard. Many of the presenters were presenting in a hour and a half what they usually present in a day, or in two days...and they didn't modify the handouts. SO, when you go to a training and get the warm up and get through about 4 pages of a 12 page handout it leaves you....well, disappointed. I believe all of the presenters were experts in their field. It was a relatively inexpensive conference, but couldn't the presenters modify their materials for the time frames allotted? I don't know if they were paid or not, but come on! Alas, the answer was evidently no they could not modify for the time allotted. The food was the most horrible food I have had at a conference (and don't forget I have lived in four states). The eggs didn't even taste like eggs, the hash browns were mush and the lunch was so awful that the next day I was left with the Hmmmmm, what to do, what to do? feeling. The conference fee pays for meals, so do you stay and eat the mush, or try to wonder out on your own? A-HA! Right out the window of the Lansing Center was the Knight Cap. I asked one of my coworkers if she wanted to join me across the street. She quickly responded "YES!" she could not handle another conference meal. What a good choice. I have never been there and hear it is a great dinner place. It is a great lunch place too! Two of my coworkers had crab cake sandwich with chicken gumbo soup and they both raved about it. I had a good 'ol burger. Who knew a burger could taste SO good! Overall, it was nice to go to a conference for a few days and have a break from the everyday, but I don't ever wish to eat at the Lansing Center again. OH! I did have one good meal there. . . breakfast was from 730 - 830. When I arrived at 8 all the food was gone except Rice Crispies. Snap Crackle Pop! They were nice enough to find me some milk...and I must say it is a fine facility and the Lansing Center Staff were nice as well. Next time I go to a conference in town, I will shoot for the Kellogg Center! The food there is outstanding! Upon quickly reflecting on my last statement I ask, should I really decide on what conference I go to due to the food? LOL!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Making the Rounds
Haiden, Wayne, Liz, Will, Mom, Gramps, Desi and Chris on the farm
I learned some things.
Desi feeding one of the loud MOOers that Grandpa called in.
2. The spunk in my jeans are strong.
Grandma (note: no walker), Haiden and I at breakfast.
My brother Chris, me, Will, and Liz
Will- go, go, going...
4. My Mom is fabulous.
My fab Mom in green feeding the fish for Haiden to see and Wayne and Haiden looking at the fish...and a few random people that were at the fish pond.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Change is Good

Thursday, August 28, 2008
An Ode to Runs With Spatula (3 of 3)
Outside the Cheese Shop with my sandwich
Monday afternoon Anica and I went touring to fish town in Leland. I have heard about the famous Cheese Shop and it's magical sandwiches. Based on my flavor preferences Anica's recommendation to me was the Shipwreck. The Shipwreck is ham, cheddar, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and herb mayo on pretzel bread. A simple sandwich. A very tasty sandwich. Anica and I split the sandwich for a total of just over $5. The Cheese Shop also had a great variety of other sandwiches for any pallet as well as wine and cheese that went on and on. I would highly recommend taking a Cheese Shop sandwich and eat it right on the tables out on the water in Fish Town. My sources say, you must get the pretzel bread. It is what makes the sandwiches special. I thought the pretzel bread was great, I just took a small amount of the salt off of the top and then, perfection!

I also got this picture...
Anica with her giant burger. My sandwich was gone already...but you can see how big her burger was as some of it fell out of the bun. She couldn't even finish it...I didn't have that problem with my chargrilled chicken sandwich.
Who Needs a Wind Machine? (2 of 3)

This may be the best I ever looked in a hat! I think I was a Sophomore and Anica a Freshman in this photo shoot. LOL, Anica's hair was a bit too big to even rock that hat.

Here I am wearing one of Anica's you see, not much luck here either. I had just graduated high school, 1992.
OK, enough of the trip down memory lane and back to the trip to Leelanau County. I did bring a visor and a hat, but alas, the day we were at the beach and the wind was blowing...
I left my hat in the car. Anica, where are you? Oh, there you are under my hair!
We joked that my hair looked like it was stuck in a wind machine like the models use. However, as you see, it did not look flowing and beautiful like when the pros do it.
Here is what it should look like.

We had to do something about that hair in Anica's face! So, I decided to wear my sunglasses on my head like a headband. Surely that would work, right?
Note: my hair is still blowing directly in Anica's face. "I have a doo-rag in my backpack," said Anica. "Wow! This should be great, we have to get some pictures of THIS!" I replied.
Attempt number one.
It was pushed further back. Pretty as a picture. OK, maybe that will work. Let me try it...
Now I look like a house keeper-maybe a painter. I look like I am trying to hide a mullet or something! I have to try one more time. Maybe more like a headband.
Well, that is the best I got. Note to self: bring pony tail holder, barrette, or hat to the beach next time, or, just don't take pictures and hope no one notices. :)
Aside from Anica, here are some doo-rags that work:
Babies can pull anything off...
And even animals...
Hey....does this one look familiar? Oh, I crack myself up! I think the time off has driven me to entertain myself. Hope someone out there shares my giggles. :)