The official memo came out today about not discussing politics at work or on work time.
"Refrain from public displays of positions and candidates on agency property and time. This includes materials as well as use of email." This is a good policy. It makes sense that we work while at work and not create any strain between co-workers. A few emails have gone out in the past two weeks, sure to offend some that don't agree with others' positions. I have caught myself saying, "did you watch the debate?" I clearly understand and appreciate the position of the leadership.
However, it got me thinking...

Could I have a picture of a pig with lipstick displayed?

Could I bring in a Pit bull?-- What if it has a hockey mask on?
Can I talk about the fact that we can't talk about politics--or would the mention of politics then be talking about politics?
Can I mention that when I was in Toronto this weekend, I could see Russia from the CN Tower?
Can I mention that I prayed for a pipeline last night?
Can I discuss things related to politics, like the economy. For instance a co-worker of mine was looking at an agency bookshelf and made a statement about a book titled Working with the Poor. She said, "Can we re title this book Working with Each Other or Working amongst, for and with the Poor?" Clearly a statement about the economy, but the economy is the leading issue voters are concerned about.
Can I mention I met a guy named Joe Six Pack?
Can I talk about change?
Can I talk about the elderly, people of color, women in positions of power, sexism, racism... OK... and ageism?
Alas, my brain spin from all of the "what ifs" took at least five minutes.
Should I stay five minutes later? I will.
In all seriousness, I get it. I sent the director an email and asked if this policy included buttons on purses, coats, etc. He said "I think the best rule of thumb is to what extent clients and colleagues would be exposed to that in the workplace, don’t you? If your coat or purse is out of view, I don’t think it’s a big deal. We don’t want this to become paralyzing."
I think that is a fair statement, but now I am thinking about my purse. My purse is very big and I wear my coat inside. Maybe I could take a note from the the NBA's old rule where players used to have band aides over their tattoos. I could cover my button with black tape and untape it after work. I will try that and let you know how it goes. You betcha I will.
Oh, the leadership at Horse and Cart also attached a fascinating article about the study of a writer's intent displayed in emails. So, the advice of the article is if you meant it seriously, read it as if you were reading it from the position of sarcasm and if you meant it sarcastically, read it from the position of taking it seriously. So, just to clear this up I am having fun with my thoughts and the leadership thinks its great they finally made my blog. Glad to have a good bunch around here!
One final note: the term "rule of thumb" was popularized by early laws that a man could beat his wife but only with a switch (stick) smaller than the width of his thumb, TA-DA! "Rule of thumb" was born.
Okay guys and gals, you all have a good day now! I will, you betcha ;). (I hope Runs with Spatula, Shae on line, Diaper, my favorite undecided and Hugs with Heart enjoy that last line...it was just for them.)
I think you need to use the word maverick as often as possible. I am going to get together with my maverick colleagues and do all kinds of mavericky things that we do. Also you can refer to everyone as "my friend"...but then they might actually think you are a Republican. The smirk on your face might give you away though.
You prayed for a pipeline last night? The hubby is traveling?
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