I remember watching firsts, like Jamaica bobsledding and now, Michael Phelps! Can you believe that kid. How exciting! I was squeezing Wayne's hands last night chanting U-S-A, U-S-A as we watched the men's 4x100 relay! Watching history eight gold medals in one olympics!

Yes, I said it. I chant in my house. I find myself riveted by things I would never have thought I would watch, like archery, handball, rowing, badminton and table tennis. I may not understand the scoring to all the events, but that is part of the fun. Learning about these events and the people that devote thier lives to them. I don't know what it is. Is it the patriotism, the personal stories so well told, the fact that during a time our country is at war, I see the world coming together-showing how much more alike we all are than different? I many not understand what some of the other countries parents are saying when their child wins, but I understand what their face says. Pride, excitement, joy. I may be a sap, I may be an idealist, but watching the sportsmanship gives me hope for our world.

I hope you get to watch some diving, swimming, gymnastics or equestrian competitions. It is history being made. I know some of you are, because when I arrive at work glazed over I talk to other people who are also glazed over because they just couldn't tear themselves away from the TV set! I won't even TiVo it and go to bed, because I am afraid I will hear the outcome from someone chatting about it before I have a chance to watch it! So, if you see me glazed over in the next few weeks...you will know where the sleep deprivation is coming from!
One onehundreth of a second...it is worth it. Olympic sleep deprivation anyone?
1 comment:
I know you know I can second that! Especially with how amazing the entire men's swim team has been. My favorite part was being at my mom & dad's Saturday night, watching the last relay with my family. We spent so much time at swim practice and meets, that I can relate on some level with the sheer amount of training the athletes go through - it truly is amazing. I just wish I got to watch swimming more than once every four years!
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