So, I am overweight. No shock there. When I went to the Dr. and found I had gained weight I was disgusted at the scale. I am not diabetic, but will again follow a diet balancing protein and carbs (known as the diabetic diet--I used it when I was preggers), eating small, small meals. I am allowed one lunch and one dinner I can be more lenient with per week. I will look forward to those days...
On MPR this morning they were talking about "brown fat" yes, there is a thing we have on our bodies called good fat. It is brown in color and its sole purpose is to burn energy and calories. Guess what? We all have it, those of us who are obese don' t have as much? Is there ANY fairness there? I am just saying. If we are fat-can't we have MORE of the good fat. Seriously?
Also in the news. Obese women have even more of a glass ceiling than thin women...and obese men are over represented at the top of corporations. Although I don't want to run a corporation it is good to know that white women are preferred thin as company heads. There goes my bid for President of the world.
I will keep you posted on my journey. W is doing this with me (thanks). It makes it easier to tackle as a team. My mother sent me a card telling me she was behind me 100% and she knows I can do it. Shit. Now if that doesn't make it real--life has just changed.
I will try to embrace it. . .
Simple gestures
9 years ago
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