Apparently, there are two types of people in this country. The haves, and the have-nots. Those few of us who are still in the middle could go either way. They say we are all three paychecks from the edge. On the other hand, the middles get to sample the have's lives now and then.
My 85 minutes as a have: I go to the spa and experience an elemental facial. I don't know what I am doing when I get to the spa, but luckily, there are kind people who know it is my first time and they guide me. I get my robes on and have my feet soaked in some fabulously smelling water while I wait, sipping on water nibbling a grape, reading a magazine. That was the beginning of my have experience. There I am. I listen to the mood music, smell the aroma therapy candles and enjoy the dim lighting and people watching. There is a petite woman in high end work out gear, I am guessing just arriving from her personal trainer, with this look on her face. I think about the look and realize it is fulfillment. I imagine she had the nanny looking after the children as she went to see her personal trainer and then to the spa, where I "over hear" her saying she will be having some 4 hour treatment. Also, in the waiting area is a young twenty something and her groom to be getting pampered. They are so giddy and clearly enthused by the other's company. A treat. Not a regular occasion like Ms. High End, but a treat. Where did I fit in? I got the gift cards for Christmas and finally decided to use them. I was a middle getting a taste of the have's life. What was I waiting for? It was FABULOUS!! 85 minutes of pure self indulgence. Relaxation, a facial, beautiful relaxing music, massage...ahhhh. AH HA! I realized Ms. High End had that look on her face because she knew what she was in for. This was no treat, this was a part of life, you know like I go to the store, she goes to the spa. Hmmmmmm.
I could be bitter, but why? I wasn't bitter, but for that moment, I considered what it might be like to be a have. What about the have-nots? Would they ever get a taste of the have's life, or was the tasting just for the middles? Was that look on Ms. High End's face always there, or did she marry for money and earn every cent? Well, I don't know. I do know that the middles should pamper themselves. We should taste the life of the haves. We should also be aware of the have-nots. It is a gift to be afforded the opportunity to sample the have life and not forget the have-nots that many of us serve.
With that said, for 85 minutes I didn't think about ANY of you people. None of you. Not my friends, not my family. Nope, so sorry. No starving children, no addicts, no depressed souls. I thought about me! I was self indulgent. This CLEARLY just wouldn't have been the Jaim without me. ME! ME! ME! It was liberating in a way. I plan to celebrate me again soon. Think about doing the same. :)
Sanity achieved!
My 85 minutes as a have: I go to the spa and experience an elemental facial. I don't know what I am doing when I get to the spa, but luckily, there are kind people who know it is my first time and they guide me. I get my robes on and have my feet soaked in some fabulously smelling water while I wait, sipping on water nibbling a grape, reading a magazine. That was the beginning of my have experience. There I am. I listen to the mood music, smell the aroma therapy candles and enjoy the dim lighting and people watching. There is a petite woman in high end work out gear, I am guessing just arriving from her personal trainer, with this look on her face. I think about the look and realize it is fulfillment. I imagine she had the nanny looking after the children as she went to see her personal trainer and then to the spa, where I "over hear" her saying she will be having some 4 hour treatment. Also, in the waiting area is a young twenty something and her groom to be getting pampered. They are so giddy and clearly enthused by the other's company. A treat. Not a regular occasion like Ms. High End, but a treat. Where did I fit in? I got the gift cards for Christmas and finally decided to use them. I was a middle getting a taste of the have's life. What was I waiting for? It was FABULOUS!! 85 minutes of pure self indulgence. Relaxation, a facial, beautiful relaxing music, massage...ahhhh. AH HA! I realized Ms. High End had that look on her face because she knew what she was in for. This was no treat, this was a part of life, you know like I go to the store, she goes to the spa. Hmmmmmm.
I could be bitter, but why? I wasn't bitter, but for that moment, I considered what it might be like to be a have. What about the have-nots? Would they ever get a taste of the have's life, or was the tasting just for the middles? Was that look on Ms. High End's face always there, or did she marry for money and earn every cent? Well, I don't know. I do know that the middles should pamper themselves. We should taste the life of the haves. We should also be aware of the have-nots. It is a gift to be afforded the opportunity to sample the have life and not forget the have-nots that many of us serve.
With that said, for 85 minutes I didn't think about ANY of you people. None of you. Not my friends, not my family. Nope, so sorry. No starving children, no addicts, no depressed souls. I thought about me! I was self indulgent. This CLEARLY just wouldn't have been the Jaim without me. ME! ME! ME! It was liberating in a way. I plan to celebrate me again soon. Think about doing the same. :)
Sanity achieved!
It's us middles that can appreciate the finer things.
When you think about it, things in the middle are great. The white in the middle of the oreo, the cream in the twinkie, the bacon and cheese in the quiche'...(I think I need to eat something.) The belly of the Pilsbury Dough Boy who laughs when you push his middle. The middles just can't disappear, look what would be lost!
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