I work with teenagers, and sometimes when they speak...I am left wondering what they said. I ask, they laugh and then they fill me in. Here are some things I've learned.
He ganked my fitted. = He stole my fitted baseball hat.
She's soft and scary. = She won't do anything, she is afraid (scared) of me.
I was ear hustlin'. = I was eavesdropping. (this one is my favorite!)
I'm no tweak! = I am not addicted.
From the Lean Man. = From the guy that illegally sells prescription liquid codeine.
Lean, szyrup, purple = Liquid Codeine or Promethazine (presciption liquid cough syrup with codeine)
I smashed. = I ate so much.
She's bad = She is very attractive.
Snitch = tattle tale
Snitches get stitches = People who tell will get beat up.
She hoed my life. = She broke up with me.
She hoed my life. = She cheated on me.
She hoed my life. = She talked behind my back.
She hoed my life. = She did something bad to me.
He's fake = He pretends to be tough or he pretends to be a gang member
Deuces = Peace out = Good bye
She's a bop. = She gets around sexually.
He's my husband or She's my wifey = He's my boyfriend or she's my girlfriend.
Forces = Air Force One's (Nike tennis shoes)
I am down with the clown = I am a fan of Insane Clown Posse'
Juggalo = Insane Clown Posse' Male fan
Juggalet = Insance Clown Posse' Female fan
Emo = Peson who is often depressed, sometimes cuts themself and dresses in black with dark hair slicked over one eye.
Everyone has dirt. = Everyone has illegal things they do.
Stick = marijuana also means cigar paper wraped marijuana
He did me a solid. = He did me a favor.
I'm a hot boy = The police watch me (similarly, that house is hot, that neighborhood is hot = an easy place to get caught or a place the police watch)
'Nuff said, deuces! = I think I have said enough, goodbye!
1 comment:
I enjoyed the variations of "She hoed my life." There was an ebonics class offered at Wayne State the semester AFTER I graduated - I was bummed, because I really wanted to take it :)
And it's also good to know that ICP is still around. They had their recording studio in Novi, of all places, and we used to see their van all the time. Plus, I just had "Great Milenko" stuck in my head this weekend. Too funny.
Enjoy your trip!
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