Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Amazing Race Starts Tonight...

So I had a full and fabulous weekend and was going to blog about it, but I am compelled to watch the Amazing Race. . . Yep. It makes me want to travel! I now am signing off to watch...

Great weekend though!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Too Tired...I'm with Seinfeld

I agree with Jerry Seinfeld that the remote control finger must be the last thing to fall asleep...but I must update the bit a bit. He says, when you are very tired, you fight it to watch TV. GO TO BED, stop searching for entertainment when you are so tired you are just scanning channels. Entertain me, you must think. Entertain me.

Well, I blog when I am so tired I could....... Oh, sorry...... fall asleep. So, not only do I believe the finger that operates the remote control is the last to fall asleep, but I say all the fingers are the last things on your body to fall asleep. Case and point. I am writing this.

Oh, side note: I hear employers check your facebook and follow links to your blog, so--ahem, " Jaimie would be a great employee. She is dedicated, smart and hardworking. Any employer would be glad to have her positive energy around." --anonymous (or me....too hard of a sell?)

OK, off to sleep so I can have all the energy I need for work tomorrow *wink.

Friday, September 19, 2008

She Smiled

She smiled...

Our first family photo...

Wayne and I went into Haiden's bedroom this morning and sang our best version of Happy Birthday. She just looked at us and smiled, and smiled and smiled. We explained to her that she was two today. We told her it was her birthday. I put her in a sweet long dress with leggings and sent her to see her friends at daycare with some Rice Crispie treats her Daddy made for her and her friends.

The day it all began...

Two years ago today my life changed. New love came flooding in like the waters of Niagara. She looked at me and starred longingly as I sang to her that first day. Her dark thick hair was beautiful and reflective of her Brazilian heritage. Her sparkling blue eyes had something more behind them. A knowing. A knowing of who we were. She now has light brown hair and hazel eyes...just like her Mommy. She knows her alphabet and sings along with me now. She is fascinated by the Wiggles and Sesame Street characters, although TV is limited in our house...somehow, she knows every character! Her hugs feel like the warmth of the sun encasing my body. Her smiles and laugh give me the purest of joy. Even her new phrase, "no, I can't" warms my heart! The way she says I love you fills my world with every breath.

I remember her first big girl bath!
These two years have been among the best of my life. When things happen that make me question my health, all I can do is think that I must stay around to be present. I purposefully plan the activities of my life to be my best self for her. She deserves the best I have to offer.

Her first Birthday!

Yes, we did this to her last Halloween!

18 months! She finally started walking. We were so proud!

Who could have ever imagined that my college sweetheart and I would create someone so spectacular. I only wished that every child was loved and treasured as much as our little peanut. Thank you Wayne for showing me that we can do anything together. We are the best of the best of teams. You are the kindest, most caring, joyful and active father, the best father I know and I can't imagine this journey without you
I love you Wayne. I love you Haiden. I feel so full of love today.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday Weirdness? I am seeing spots...well, spot.

About half way through my third client I noticed I was seeing spots...well, spot. It was distracting, like I had something stuck in my eye. There is a weird arrow head shaped spot on everything I see, well rather whatever I am looking at has an area, shaped like an arrow head that I can't see. I have no other symptoms of anything and just keep thinking it should go away. I take a lot of pictures, and it is kind of like when you have the flash go off in your eyes over and over, except it has been constant over the last three and a half hours...Monday weirdness. I just is there if the eye is open or closed...just wondering about it... Where oh where did this weird spot come from and how do I get it to go away?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Experiment-The Odyssey? We will see.

My van, named Smurfy, is new to me. I don't know her all that well yet. She provides comfort and all of the things you would want in a mini van. My daughter calls her "the new van." and is so thrilled every time she rides in it (as in comparison to the 1997 Honda Civic). Today, Smurfy gave me a new message...she flashed her empty tank light at me. She says she is empty. In my glove box, the book says I can drive her up to 40 miles with that light on. Did you catch that..."UP TO" 40 miles. I have been all around town today with that fancy light lit. Do you think I will make it home? That will be the experiment...the odyssey...Friends, please have cell phones ready, I want to test this "up to" part. :) And you all thought I was so sqaure.

Conference Let Down

My husband's new job has sent him to conferences at wonderful hotels and in wonderful cities. He just spent a week in Philadelphia and while he was eating cheese steak and Rita's Italian Ice...I went to a conference of my own. Right here in Lansing, MI.

I went to the 7th Annual Substance Abuse Conference this Monday and Tuesday at the Lansing Center. As far as conferences go, it was mediocre at best. There were a few presenters that I could have listened to all day long, but the rest left me wondering...what was going on? I think I should submit to a conference someday. Certainly I could put something together that was better than much of what I heard. Many of the presenters were presenting in a hour and a half what they usually present in a day, or in two days...and they didn't modify the handouts. SO, when you go to a training and get the warm up and get through about 4 pages of a 12 page handout it leaves you....well, disappointed. I believe all of the presenters were experts in their field. It was a relatively inexpensive conference, but couldn't the presenters modify their materials for the time frames allotted? I don't know if they were paid or not, but come on! Alas, the answer was evidently no they could not modify for the time allotted. The food was the most horrible food I have had at a conference (and don't forget I have lived in four states). The eggs didn't even taste like eggs, the hash browns were mush and the lunch was so awful that the next day I was left with the Hmmmmm, what to do, what to do? feeling. The conference fee pays for meals, so do you stay and eat the mush, or try to wonder out on your own? A-HA! Right out the window of the Lansing Center was the Knight Cap. I asked one of my coworkers if she wanted to join me across the street. She quickly responded "YES!" she could not handle another conference meal. What a good choice. I have never been there and hear it is a great dinner place. It is a great lunch place too! Two of my coworkers had crab cake sandwich with chicken gumbo soup and they both raved about it. I had a good 'ol burger. Who knew a burger could taste SO good! Overall, it was nice to go to a conference for a few days and have a break from the everyday, but I don't ever wish to eat at the Lansing Center again. OH! I did have one good meal there. . . breakfast was from 730 - 830. When I arrived at 8 all the food was gone except Rice Crispies. Snap Crackle Pop! They were nice enough to find me some milk...and I must say it is a fine facility and the Lansing Center Staff were nice as well. Next time I go to a conference in town, I will shoot for the Kellogg Center! The food there is outstanding! Upon quickly reflecting on my last statement I ask, should I really decide on what conference I go to due to the food? LOL!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Making the Rounds

It was a long weekend, the last weekend of summer, all of the things that make us Michiganians ponder the five or so months that we will be huddled up in our caves avoiding the flecks of white that will soon fall...yes sooner than we would like.
So, my second trip north this week was to make the rounds and see some of my dearest family members. My Grandpa W, my Grandma D, and my newest nephew. I also got to see Liz, my brother Chris, my pops, my mom and my niece.

Haiden, Wayne, Liz, Will, Mom, Gramps, Desi and Chris on the farm

I learned some things.

1. Cows MOO much louder than I thought.

My Grandpa W., Paris, MI is a life long farmer. Even though he had other professions and callings, paratrooper, prisoner of war, factory worker, father, husband and Grandfather he has always kept his roots. He has always farmed along with whatever he was doing, aside from his time in WWII. My Grandfather just called "Boooossss" and the bull came down with all of the other cows following. Haiden and my niece, Desi wanted to see them up close, so Grandpa called them down. Who knew cows were SO loud. I have been around and on farms my whole life, but this was new to me. Even Haiden's impression of a cow now has more personality and volume! I wonder if the different tones and volumes are communication like whales...hmmmm...

Desi feeding one of the loud MOOers that Grandpa called in.

2. The spunk in my jeans are strong.

My Grandma D., 91 now is so spunky. She has humor, wit and a smile and zest for life that is unforgettable. She lived alone up until earlier this year when she had a fall and nearly died. The rehab hospital wanted to keep her and said she was too weak to go home. Oh, she went home. My Aunt now stays with her to help her out a little. My Grandma D. met us for breakfast and didn't even need her walker. Her hair and make up were done and she was a trip as usual. How lucky I am to have her in my life.

Grandma (note: no walker), Haiden and I at breakfast.

3. Boys are different than girls!

Although this is not a new or unique observation, I was reminded of this. I saw my Brother, his partner Liz and their son William. Will is a boy. He is 17 months and never stops moving, one thing to the next, to the next. What a cutie. He flashes that smile and just charms you. What a doll. He has all of Liz's coloring and eyes and the rest is like a little Chris.

My brother Chris, me, Will, and Liz

Will- go, go, going...

4. My Mom is fabulous.

My Mom is a very dedicated Mother and Grandmother. She is a full time employee in a very demanding job and goes above and beyond the call of duty to do whatever she can to bring family together, to bring my brother's children up north to see him and to provide a welcoming and loving spirit. I appreciate her very much. Earlier today, she said, " I am becoming my mother." I was joking with her because she had one bite on her plate and said, " I just can't eat that last bite." She said my Grandmother used to say that all the time. So, she made the comment. She embodies all of the things about my Grandmother that made her so special. My Grandma would be proud and inspired at the Grandmother my mother is.

My fab Mom in green feeding the fish for Haiden to see and Wayne and Haiden looking at the fish...and a few random people that were at the fish pond.

I am writing today feeling loved and happy to have made the trip around up north and so happy that Wayne and Haiden are a part of my family that continue to allow me to count my blessings. What a team the three of us are. With all of the moving parts, hours on the road and people to see it could have just been rushed, but I savored every moment. Much thanks to them.