Monday, December 29, 2008


What makes a connection? Is it things you have in common such as interests? Is it things you have in common such as values? Is it a time and space issue, like we spend so much time together, we bond. Are there connections you make that will never go away, or will they all fade with time. As adults, do you go stick with friends you have a history with or do you make new friends as you change and grow. Is it all of the above?

Have you ever made a soulful connection, but there just is not enough time in the day to spend with that person? These are all questions that I am thinking about lately. Lifelong friends not acknowledging life changes, old friends making you a priority again letting you know what you had mattered. New friends connecting at your soul, but life not allowing for the connection to grow. People you feel were friends, but they just don't have room for you any more or friends you had before kids, don't relate to your new priorities. The deal is relationships take work. I choose to put energy in to those who wish to return the energy and let things go that are beyond my ability to change them.

I will continue to put out the positive energy I feel and see where life takes me. One thing I know for sure is that I will never take for granted those who have given me so much throughout the years. Those who have loved me for who I am no matter what else is going on. Those who accepted me in whatever state I was in, fat, thin, married, single, with or without child, happy or sad, working or searching. Thank you for reminding me not to accept anything less that the highest quality of friend. Thank you for showing me what that is.

Haiden Withdrawl

Since I had five days home with my baby (well, she is two now) girl, I miss her today.

I just talked to her on the phone, she is at Grandma's. The conversation went something like this...

"Hi, I am having fun," said Haiden.

"Good, are you being good for Grandma?" I asked.

"yeah, I am getting ready to go to sleep." She said.

"Are you tired?" I asked.

"Yeah, can I see you when you wake up?" She asked.

My heart melted.

"Mommy will see you after work," I said.

"I love you Mommy."

"I love you too, sweat pea."

Grandma went back to reading her stories. Seriously, how did I get so lucky? My daughter is very happy, very verbal and has a spirit that shines right through that cute little gap in her two front teeth. I am a lucky woman.

They say write down all the cute things they say or you might forget. So, I am going to start writing.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas/Holiday Cards

So, here is the deal. We ran out of Christmas cards...big family and we've moved a big list....If you are reading this HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

I thought of you...

Snow. . . It's coming now.

Yeah, it is winter now. Just saying.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Love Actually

I have so much love for my life partner. I enjoy laughing with him and sharing time together. Sometimes, there are special moments that remind me of the early days. I am remind me of the initial connection that we have built upon. Those moments are just...well...fantastic! I feel lucky to have love actually.

Say What?!

I had a great weekend filled with friends.

First, I had a college years reunion with two girl friends, both of whom were in our wedding eleven years ago. It was nice to hang out with such ease. Even if C cancelled, last minute. We still had a great time...and I expect him to come through with that making it up to us :).

Second, Wayne and I went to the MSU game with two of the most fabulous people on earth and had a great dinner at Red Lobster...seeing how few people were there was guess is due to the economy. But the game and the company rocked! Mom was a free sitter, can't beat that either.

Third, we took Haidie to an otherwise all adult gathering at the Smite's. Nice to see many of our friends and hang out eating some great homemade soups and goodies, playing games that make me laugh! Haidie was great and Wayne was a champ allowing me to have fun!

This time of year people you love are important. I find myself missing my late Grandmother very much. I also miss my military family, Dave, Heather, Mo, Mark, John, Michelle, Nick, Jen, Brian, the kids...and many, many more. I miss them all so much and have the greatest memories we have all shared together during holiday's past. As I spend time with my local friends and family...I can't help but to miss my "away" friends so much. Love to you all...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Random Thoughts-Time and Shirley MacClain

Time: I heard that 10:10 pm is the best time to be creative and to solve problems. I have also heard that the shower produces a zen like effect to assist in a meditative like state for creativity and thoughts to flow. So, I ask you this...since my clock in my bathroom is stuck at 10:10, does that in itself mean that I will always be creatively thinking when I am in the shower?

Second thought...totally unrelated.

Shriley? I was people watching as I often do and realized that I am not just a "chipper gal" who likes to spread cheer. When entering the building every morning, for example, I can't help to say, "Good morning," to the sleepy student working the front desk or the facilities staff carefully de-icing the sidewalks after the machine did a so-so job. I can't help but to make small talk on the elevator or thank someone out loud for holding a door open for me. I can't resist chatting it up with the students and staff I see daily in the cafeteria. As I watch others, most are not inclined to communicate with some of these folks. It is not that they are rude individuals. I'll back up a bit, let's take the student working the door of the cafeteria. When you enter the cafeteria, there is a student that slides other students cards through for entry, takes cash for those paying as one time guests or collects tickets from those of us who get them through working at Case Hall. That is her/his job. Day after day, person after person -- and we are talking about thousands of students per day handling everyone who enters. Ok, back go my observation of the non talkers. Some have their ipods on and just going through the motions of their day not to acknowledge or ignore, just to be. Some are talking with the people they will sit with for lunch. Some look like they have a hang over and are glad to be able to walk--an all-nighter look at least. Some seem inconvenienced to have to wait five seconds if there is a line, and then there are a few who know the student worker and shout out the good ole' "what up?"-but not really looking for a response. There are a few people that acknowledge the student doing their job and divert the energy of the assembly line process. I am one of these people. For me, it is not that I can't shut up--as I know many of you are thinking...although it is a fair thought, based on my affinity to chatter. It is that I can't ignore the energy I feel while in the presence of others. It is not just following customs and courtesies like I am sure some of the other greeters follow. It is deliberate. It is important to me. It is an organic push to connect with the other energy, to acknowledge the space and time we share and to respect the presence as a life form rather than the task handler of an assembly line process. Now, I know this sounds like I have been reading some Shirley MacClain books or something, but alas, no. I just realized as I shook a student out of their daze this morning into a shock because someone spoke to them and there was a five second delay in the students response of "good morning?" that the greeting was not typical. I am sure others of you are thinking...leave them alone, let them be sleepy and dazed- you are probably driving them crazy! But, I don't get this sense. I don't stop and have a half hour conversation when they are clearly fighting to stay awake, I simply say, "good morning," "Stay warm," "Have a great night." or some such greeting. The response I feel is energy awakening, momentary connectivity and real time interaction.

Those are my thoughts for today. Feel free to in the moment I am reading the comments, we are connected-as is our energy...(I couldn't resist to add this piece!). Maybe I should read some Shirely MacClain... :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

I thought Santa was supposed to be a jolly old fella

He does exist! Although he seems a bit, uh, grumpy. I was told in story after story that Santa was a jolly old fella. Well? This is my evidence to the contrary...

As you can see when Haiden was 3 months, she starred at the design on the 1 year three months she was petrified of him when he spoke (she wasn't too fond of men at the time), and this year she did much better.

Look how much bigger she is...they grow so fast. I know everyone says that and I see her everyday and don't notice it as much. When I look back at pictures, I wonder, where did my little baby go? Well, she is a toddler now and knows what Christmas is. When Santa asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she replied, "a house." He gave her a little ball. She slid off his lap and gave him a high five. She went back twice to thank him...she REALLY liked the ball. What fun it is to see the holidays through the eyes of a child. And...she had on a slammin' outfit, don't you think?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dinner. No nutrition included.

It is on a rare occasion when I find myself swept away by the food at a basket ball game. Last night I did. A hot dog, which I do not wish to know what is in it, how it is made, what the food handling issues are, etc. I just wanted to put some catsup (I prefer it over the spelling of ketchup) on it and eat it. I did. I was great. Wayne made a different choice, a chicken caesar pita. Good for him. However, he didn't want the Lays, how could I let them waste? I couldn', they go so well with a dog. Then, I had a chocolate chip cookie. Otis Spunkmeyer. My favorite. Wayne was going back for more at the half, I said I didn't want anything further. Good choice I say! He brought back a soft pretzel with cheese. Well, not real cheese I am sure, I even wonder if it was real cheese product. Either way, cheesy goodness on a soft pretzel shared by two. Then he said, here, I know you love Otis Spunkmeyer cookies, so I thought I would share. Did he not notice I already had one? Well, who can turn down a second chocolate chip cookie I had... I drank water....uh, does that help? I don't know what it is, but a game just doesn't seem complete without some stadium eats. We won by the way! DEEEEE-TRIOT BA-SKET-BALL! Sleep deprivation and all, it was a good game and a great time!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Lot on My Mind - Politics and Keeping It Real

I was watching an interview with Bill Clinton. He had a very realistic view on voting. He said some people are one issue voters-like pro-lifers for example, some would vote for McCain because he had a female running mate-regardless of their politics. Some people vote along party lines. Some people would vote for Obama because he was black. Some would vote McCain because he was a veteran. Some people would vote for the best of the two. Voting is an emotional issue. It is not a rational issue. It is not black and white (no pun intended). That is why it is so hard to understand.
That is where politics come in. I was thinking about something a friend said. She said it was hard to be happy when a minority candidate was not supportive enough for gay rights. I heard that both our liberal and conservative candidates said they did not believe in gay marriage. Obama more inclusive, but not going there all the way. I also think about the last election when gay marriage was a key issue and some pundits believe the "family values" crowd AKA those against gay marriage came out in herds just to keep gay marriage off the ballot. What is the answer? How does one reconcile extreme happiness and disappointment?
I feel Roe V. Wade won't get flipped. I feel ecstatic. I feel peace will have more of a chance and my brothers and sisters in uniform will be safer, but not pulled home because it is too complicated. That gives me mixed emotions. I feel an extreme connection to Obama and his life story. I feel hope for minorities in this country--especially the young who can see something different-something attainable. I still feel like we have such a mess to handle, it will be a very difficult job. So when I put my full support behind our president am I short changing gays and non-Christians and selling out or rather being exclusive in a group that promotes its all inclusiveness? I am not sure what the answer is. I feel like it will take me a while to wrap my brain around it all.
I feel optimistic, and then I feel guilty. I feel that my soul has a chance and I feel I have some soul searching to do. Does the good outweigh the bad? I say yes. Is it enough? I hope so. Can I do more? I can. Will I? I will. Will that be enough? I don't know. I feel alienating the non-christian or gay people in our country is not as inclusive as I feel it should be. I will keep thinking...and listening...and loving the fact that I have people in my life that keep me thinking and exploring.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Inspiration

The election is over. I have been moved by many things, but none more than my mother. She found her voice in life after many years of quieting herself for the perceived benefit of her family. She did what she thought she had to do. She endured. When I was about 16 she really began to find her voice and by the time I was 18 she heard it too.

She has worked tirelessly to stand up and be heard. She has worked on behalf of those who are often quieted. I see the connection. I feel inspired. My mom was raised in a small town on a farm. Last week she was walking miles and miles for hours and hours, literally, in one of the worst areas of Flint, MI to make sure that EVERY person knew their rights, their polling place and their worth. She was often paired up with people more than half her age and she kept on going. She was stopped in a neighborhood and asked what she was doing there. She told them, their eyes and spirits met. That is what mattered. My mom sees people for who they are beyond the exterior in a way that people respond to. She saw devastation from industry that no longer exists in a neighborhood demolished, partially burnt down and ravaged by the circumstance of loosing a factory in what was once a middle class working neighborhood.

My mom is tough. Dedicated. Hard working. Motivated. Courageous. She is the epitome of what is happening everywhere. She is working to bring people together. She worked for her job and then on her own on every one of her days off for the past several months to work toward hope. Hope in elections big and small and proposals popular and unpopular. She walked the streets of Meridian Township, she walked the streets of Flint. She walked in the sun, she walked in the rain. She had doors slammed in her face, she was greeted with anger and she kept on going. She knew that if one person was informed, touched or motivated it was worth it. She was also greeted with hope, which kept her going. She had strangers over to her house to make calls to get out the vote. Strangers with a common cause-which of course bonded them beyond knowing each other personally, but rather knowing each others commitment and values. She did the things that many people are intimidated to do and she did it without complaint and with determination.

I have hope. Thanks mom. She doesn't read blogs, she doesn't get putting all of your feelings out-especially to strangers...but the funny thing is that is what she does in person every day she empowers someone else or is there to hear them. We are more alike than different. I owe my mom a lot. She continues to inspire me. Her passion is contagious. Congratulations to my mom. She was a part of the success being felt by the majority of this country and it couldn't be done with out people like her. I couldn't be me without her either. Words can't express my thanks I hope my actions do.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Buttery Goodness

Today, I went with Wayne and my Father-in-law to Frankenmuth. What a comforting day. A trip to the outlet mall (insert some shopping), the largest Christmas store in the world (you just can't be in a bad mood there), my FIL purchasing a $500 coo coo clock (and the clock is...just kidding, just kidding-ther is history and a story behind it. To each their own.), and then sum it up with chicken and buttery noodles. Please, I think I need say no more. Oh yes I do. The mashed potatoes, how do they perfect them? The Bavarian Inn is my favorite. I feel Zhender's and the BI's food is similar in taste, but the atmosphere at the BI is so much better. Ahhhhh, buttery goodness. Just what I needed to start my week. Did I mention there was butter involved?

Friday, October 17, 2008

It's Sock Weather

So, the truth is, I am in a mourning period. This morning when I was getting ready to take my little one to daycare, my little helper brought me my flip flops. Clearly she was reading my mind, because, they would be my shoe of choice. I didn't have socks on, went outside and the reality hit me like hammer to the head...or feet in this case. It is sock weather.

Sock weather. Do you know what is followed by socks? Coats, hats, scarfs, gloves...cold. Dark. Winter. Dark when you leave for work, dark when you return. Less sunlight, less vitamin D, less warmth.

I think what I will enjoy least is the extra time it takes to get ready. I love just throwing on sandals and bopping out the door with reckless abandon. (what a rebel I am.)

Now, there will have to be coordination, socks that match things, shoes with laces or boots with zippers, stuffing my wiggly child into snow gear. . . all the things that will require an earlier wake up time. Let's face it. THIS is the true fear. I will have to get up earlier, plan more and it will take longer to drive, thus forcing my non-morning self to spend more waking hours in what I feel should be mandatory sleep time hours.

It's sock weather. I'll adjust, but for this moment...I mourn. I will save money on pedicures. Ah, a glimmer of good.

Goodbye sandals.

On oade to sandals:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Public Radio Anyone?

So, I love MPR, WKAR Public Radio...I really am "over" other radio stations for the most part, and listen to MPR. I was listening today and at the end of a segment, the reporter will say, "For WKAR East Lansing, I am Joe Smith." As their by line. Very interesting. The different shows have different by lines representing their title, like, "For All Things Considered, I am Jane Doe." But today, it struck me as I was driving back from Onondaga for work, that there was a stroke of genius one day in a marketing meeting...or a stroke of idealism, or a VERY INFLATED SENSE OF SELF perhaps. Whatever the reason, I would love to do a piece. The show is called The World. Can't you just hear it now... "For The World, I am Jaimie Hutchison." Quite some ring to that, eh? I bet that never gets old. Great marketing... "For It's Just Not The Jaim Without Me, I am Jaimie Hutchison." (It just not the same ring as "For The World, I am Jaimie Hutchison!")

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Toronto Fun

Top 10 Things I Learned on a trip to Toronto, Canada with Five Friends:

10. 14 hours in the learn a lot about each other--or sleep? Both good options.
9. You can have fun doing a traffic jam...if you have the right company. (Where ya at...ew?
8. There are women who ARE drama free.
7. I love Peach Blossoms...
6. Phrases can be repeated over and over and they still get betcha.
5. Canadians know way more about our politics than I know about theirs...sorry.
4. Most people DO snore...even...
3. Six women can sit quietly when there is fantastic food on the table.
2. Amsterdam is an interesting place too......
1. I am lucky.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's Official No Talking About Politics At Work

The official memo came out today about not discussing politics at work or on work time.

"Refrain from public displays of positions and candidates on agency property and time. This includes materials as well as use of email." This is a good policy. It makes sense that we work while at work and not create any strain between co-workers. A few emails have gone out in the past two weeks, sure to offend some that don't agree with others' positions. I have caught myself saying, "did you watch the debate?" I clearly understand and appreciate the position of the leadership.

However, it got me thinking...

Could I have a picture of a pig with lipstick displayed?

Could I bring in a Pit bull?-- What if it has a hockey mask on?

Can I talk about the fact that we can't talk about politics--or would the mention of politics then be talking about politics?
Can I mention that when I was in Toronto this weekend, I could see Russia from the CN Tower?
Can I mention that I prayed for a pipeline last night?
Can I discuss things related to politics, like the economy. For instance a co-worker of mine was looking at an agency bookshelf and made a statement about a book titled Working with the Poor. She said, "Can we re title this book Working with Each Other or Working amongst, for and with the Poor?" Clearly a statement about the economy, but the economy is the leading issue voters are concerned about.
Can I mention I met a guy named Joe Six Pack?
Can I talk about change?
Can I talk about the elderly, people of color, women in positions of power, sexism, racism... OK... and ageism?

Alas, my brain spin from all of the "what ifs" took at least five minutes.
Should I stay five minutes later? I will.

In all seriousness, I get it. I sent the director an email and asked if this policy included buttons on purses, coats, etc. He said "I think the best rule of thumb is to what extent clients and colleagues would be exposed to that in the workplace, don’t you? If your coat or purse is out of view, I don’t think it’s a big deal. We don’t want this to become paralyzing."

I think that is a fair statement, but now I am thinking about my purse. My purse is very big and I wear my coat inside. Maybe I could take a note from the the NBA's old rule where players used to have band aides over their tattoos. I could cover my button with black tape and untape it after work. I will try that and let you know how it goes. You betcha I will.

Oh, the leadership at Horse and Cart also attached a fascinating article about the study of a writer's intent displayed in emails. So, the advice of the article is if you meant it seriously, read it as if you were reading it from the position of sarcasm and if you meant it sarcastically, read it from the position of taking it seriously. So, just to clear this up I am having fun with my thoughts and the leadership thinks its great they finally made my blog. Glad to have a good bunch around here!

One final note: the term "rule of thumb" was popularized by early laws that a man could beat his wife but only with a switch (stick) smaller than the width of his thumb, TA-DA! "Rule of thumb" was born.

Okay guys and gals, you all have a good day now! I will, you betcha ;). (I hope Runs with Spatula, Shae on line, Diaper, my favorite undecided and Hugs with Heart enjoy that last was just for them.)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Amazing Race Starts Tonight...

So I had a full and fabulous weekend and was going to blog about it, but I am compelled to watch the Amazing Race. . . Yep. It makes me want to travel! I now am signing off to watch...

Great weekend though!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Too Tired...I'm with Seinfeld

I agree with Jerry Seinfeld that the remote control finger must be the last thing to fall asleep...but I must update the bit a bit. He says, when you are very tired, you fight it to watch TV. GO TO BED, stop searching for entertainment when you are so tired you are just scanning channels. Entertain me, you must think. Entertain me.

Well, I blog when I am so tired I could....... Oh, sorry...... fall asleep. So, not only do I believe the finger that operates the remote control is the last to fall asleep, but I say all the fingers are the last things on your body to fall asleep. Case and point. I am writing this.

Oh, side note: I hear employers check your facebook and follow links to your blog, so--ahem, " Jaimie would be a great employee. She is dedicated, smart and hardworking. Any employer would be glad to have her positive energy around." --anonymous (or me....too hard of a sell?)

OK, off to sleep so I can have all the energy I need for work tomorrow *wink.

Friday, September 19, 2008

She Smiled

She smiled...

Our first family photo...

Wayne and I went into Haiden's bedroom this morning and sang our best version of Happy Birthday. She just looked at us and smiled, and smiled and smiled. We explained to her that she was two today. We told her it was her birthday. I put her in a sweet long dress with leggings and sent her to see her friends at daycare with some Rice Crispie treats her Daddy made for her and her friends.

The day it all began...

Two years ago today my life changed. New love came flooding in like the waters of Niagara. She looked at me and starred longingly as I sang to her that first day. Her dark thick hair was beautiful and reflective of her Brazilian heritage. Her sparkling blue eyes had something more behind them. A knowing. A knowing of who we were. She now has light brown hair and hazel eyes...just like her Mommy. She knows her alphabet and sings along with me now. She is fascinated by the Wiggles and Sesame Street characters, although TV is limited in our house...somehow, she knows every character! Her hugs feel like the warmth of the sun encasing my body. Her smiles and laugh give me the purest of joy. Even her new phrase, "no, I can't" warms my heart! The way she says I love you fills my world with every breath.

I remember her first big girl bath!
These two years have been among the best of my life. When things happen that make me question my health, all I can do is think that I must stay around to be present. I purposefully plan the activities of my life to be my best self for her. She deserves the best I have to offer.

Her first Birthday!

Yes, we did this to her last Halloween!

18 months! She finally started walking. We were so proud!

Who could have ever imagined that my college sweetheart and I would create someone so spectacular. I only wished that every child was loved and treasured as much as our little peanut. Thank you Wayne for showing me that we can do anything together. We are the best of the best of teams. You are the kindest, most caring, joyful and active father, the best father I know and I can't imagine this journey without you
I love you Wayne. I love you Haiden. I feel so full of love today.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday Weirdness? I am seeing spots...well, spot.

About half way through my third client I noticed I was seeing spots...well, spot. It was distracting, like I had something stuck in my eye. There is a weird arrow head shaped spot on everything I see, well rather whatever I am looking at has an area, shaped like an arrow head that I can't see. I have no other symptoms of anything and just keep thinking it should go away. I take a lot of pictures, and it is kind of like when you have the flash go off in your eyes over and over, except it has been constant over the last three and a half hours...Monday weirdness. I just is there if the eye is open or closed...just wondering about it... Where oh where did this weird spot come from and how do I get it to go away?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Experiment-The Odyssey? We will see.

My van, named Smurfy, is new to me. I don't know her all that well yet. She provides comfort and all of the things you would want in a mini van. My daughter calls her "the new van." and is so thrilled every time she rides in it (as in comparison to the 1997 Honda Civic). Today, Smurfy gave me a new message...she flashed her empty tank light at me. She says she is empty. In my glove box, the book says I can drive her up to 40 miles with that light on. Did you catch that..."UP TO" 40 miles. I have been all around town today with that fancy light lit. Do you think I will make it home? That will be the experiment...the odyssey...Friends, please have cell phones ready, I want to test this "up to" part. :) And you all thought I was so sqaure.

Conference Let Down

My husband's new job has sent him to conferences at wonderful hotels and in wonderful cities. He just spent a week in Philadelphia and while he was eating cheese steak and Rita's Italian Ice...I went to a conference of my own. Right here in Lansing, MI.

I went to the 7th Annual Substance Abuse Conference this Monday and Tuesday at the Lansing Center. As far as conferences go, it was mediocre at best. There were a few presenters that I could have listened to all day long, but the rest left me wondering...what was going on? I think I should submit to a conference someday. Certainly I could put something together that was better than much of what I heard. Many of the presenters were presenting in a hour and a half what they usually present in a day, or in two days...and they didn't modify the handouts. SO, when you go to a training and get the warm up and get through about 4 pages of a 12 page handout it leaves you....well, disappointed. I believe all of the presenters were experts in their field. It was a relatively inexpensive conference, but couldn't the presenters modify their materials for the time frames allotted? I don't know if they were paid or not, but come on! Alas, the answer was evidently no they could not modify for the time allotted. The food was the most horrible food I have had at a conference (and don't forget I have lived in four states). The eggs didn't even taste like eggs, the hash browns were mush and the lunch was so awful that the next day I was left with the Hmmmmm, what to do, what to do? feeling. The conference fee pays for meals, so do you stay and eat the mush, or try to wonder out on your own? A-HA! Right out the window of the Lansing Center was the Knight Cap. I asked one of my coworkers if she wanted to join me across the street. She quickly responded "YES!" she could not handle another conference meal. What a good choice. I have never been there and hear it is a great dinner place. It is a great lunch place too! Two of my coworkers had crab cake sandwich with chicken gumbo soup and they both raved about it. I had a good 'ol burger. Who knew a burger could taste SO good! Overall, it was nice to go to a conference for a few days and have a break from the everyday, but I don't ever wish to eat at the Lansing Center again. OH! I did have one good meal there. . . breakfast was from 730 - 830. When I arrived at 8 all the food was gone except Rice Crispies. Snap Crackle Pop! They were nice enough to find me some milk...and I must say it is a fine facility and the Lansing Center Staff were nice as well. Next time I go to a conference in town, I will shoot for the Kellogg Center! The food there is outstanding! Upon quickly reflecting on my last statement I ask, should I really decide on what conference I go to due to the food? LOL!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Making the Rounds

It was a long weekend, the last weekend of summer, all of the things that make us Michiganians ponder the five or so months that we will be huddled up in our caves avoiding the flecks of white that will soon fall...yes sooner than we would like.
So, my second trip north this week was to make the rounds and see some of my dearest family members. My Grandpa W, my Grandma D, and my newest nephew. I also got to see Liz, my brother Chris, my pops, my mom and my niece.

Haiden, Wayne, Liz, Will, Mom, Gramps, Desi and Chris on the farm

I learned some things.

1. Cows MOO much louder than I thought.

My Grandpa W., Paris, MI is a life long farmer. Even though he had other professions and callings, paratrooper, prisoner of war, factory worker, father, husband and Grandfather he has always kept his roots. He has always farmed along with whatever he was doing, aside from his time in WWII. My Grandfather just called "Boooossss" and the bull came down with all of the other cows following. Haiden and my niece, Desi wanted to see them up close, so Grandpa called them down. Who knew cows were SO loud. I have been around and on farms my whole life, but this was new to me. Even Haiden's impression of a cow now has more personality and volume! I wonder if the different tones and volumes are communication like whales...hmmmm...

Desi feeding one of the loud MOOers that Grandpa called in.

2. The spunk in my jeans are strong.

My Grandma D., 91 now is so spunky. She has humor, wit and a smile and zest for life that is unforgettable. She lived alone up until earlier this year when she had a fall and nearly died. The rehab hospital wanted to keep her and said she was too weak to go home. Oh, she went home. My Aunt now stays with her to help her out a little. My Grandma D. met us for breakfast and didn't even need her walker. Her hair and make up were done and she was a trip as usual. How lucky I am to have her in my life.

Grandma (note: no walker), Haiden and I at breakfast.

3. Boys are different than girls!

Although this is not a new or unique observation, I was reminded of this. I saw my Brother, his partner Liz and their son William. Will is a boy. He is 17 months and never stops moving, one thing to the next, to the next. What a cutie. He flashes that smile and just charms you. What a doll. He has all of Liz's coloring and eyes and the rest is like a little Chris.

My brother Chris, me, Will, and Liz

Will- go, go, going...

4. My Mom is fabulous.

My Mom is a very dedicated Mother and Grandmother. She is a full time employee in a very demanding job and goes above and beyond the call of duty to do whatever she can to bring family together, to bring my brother's children up north to see him and to provide a welcoming and loving spirit. I appreciate her very much. Earlier today, she said, " I am becoming my mother." I was joking with her because she had one bite on her plate and said, " I just can't eat that last bite." She said my Grandmother used to say that all the time. So, she made the comment. She embodies all of the things about my Grandmother that made her so special. My Grandma would be proud and inspired at the Grandmother my mother is.

My fab Mom in green feeding the fish for Haiden to see and Wayne and Haiden looking at the fish...and a few random people that were at the fish pond.

I am writing today feeling loved and happy to have made the trip around up north and so happy that Wayne and Haiden are a part of my family that continue to allow me to count my blessings. What a team the three of us are. With all of the moving parts, hours on the road and people to see it could have just been rushed, but I savored every moment. Much thanks to them.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Change is Good

I heard one of the best speeches of my life last night. I feel inspired to write, talk and think about it. I even have it on my DVR in case anyone missed it. I feel I am a good judge of character. Character is important to me. I BELIEVE in Obama. I BELIEVE he has the country's best interest at heart. I also know he has what it takes to lead us. I believe his message of change is not only a message, but a necessity. My soul aches at the bigotry some in this country hold. My brain aches for the minds that are sealed shut by spin masters. If you vote for McCain because you stand behind his philosophical beliefs and ideas about how to effectively run this country then vote McCain. If you feel like you want something different than the last eight years, vote Obama.

I feel Obama's message for change is more than a message. It is an action plan. An action plan that will allow this country to regain its footing in each individual home (even all seven of McCain's :)) and in the world. We can not underestimate the footprint that has been left on this country by the Bush administration. We have to listen, compromise, and change how we move forward. The financial hole we are in, I believe, will take more than 4 years to claw out of. But, we must start. The dreams I have for my daughter depend on it. The dreams I have for my later years in life depend on it. The care I want for my parents as they age depend on it. This is not an election that can be taken lightly. We must not stay the course, we must begin to correct the errors made in the past eight years.

What a beautiful family Obama has. I would be a proud, proud American with the Obama family being our first family. When I read Obama's first book I was moved to tears several times. Why? Because I could relate to his stories. Because I could hear and feel his development as a human being. All inclusive development that included the development of his intellect, soul, compassion and drive for a better tomorrow. Wouldn't it be nice if we could have someone leading us who represents and understands our real life challenges? I hope Americans listened last night. Although I am a huge Obama supporter this election is about us. US, the American people. I know what is right for me. I don't just feel it, I know it. We can make a change. Yes we can.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

An Ode to Runs With Spatula (3 of 3)

I have a friend who has a fabulous blog, Runs With Spatula. She goes with her partner Corky, friends and family to some fabulous and some not so fabulous restaurants, food stands and fairs. Pretty much anywhere there is food to blog about, she goes. She gives great reviews and takes wonderful pictures. You should check out her blog. She also gives recipies and is herself a fabulous cook. There is a link to her blog on this page.

So, here is my attempt to do a foodie blog...An Ode to Runs With Spatula

Outside the Cheese Shop with my sandwich

Inside the cheese shop

Monday afternoon Anica and I went touring to fish town in Leland. I have heard about the famous Cheese Shop and it's magical sandwiches. Based on my flavor preferences Anica's recommendation to me was the Shipwreck. The Shipwreck is ham, cheddar, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and herb mayo on pretzel bread. A simple sandwich. A very tasty sandwich. Anica and I split the sandwich for a total of just over $5. The Cheese Shop also had a great variety of other sandwiches for any pallet as well as wine and cheese that went on and on. I would highly recommend taking a Cheese Shop sandwich and eat it right on the tables out on the water in Fish Town. My sources say, you must get the pretzel bread. It is what makes the sandwiches special. I thought the pretzel bread was great, I just took a small amount of the salt off of the top and then, perfection!

Half of a Shipwreck (minus a few bites...I almost forgot the picture!)

Onto dinner...

Monday night Anica treated me to one of our all time favorite dishes, pizza. We had a pizza topped with ham, pepperoni and mushrooms. It was from Dick's Pour House in Lake Lelanau. Dick's is one of those up north bars with dear heads and fish adorning the walls. The service was great. ESPECIALLY Adam and Keith. Sean, who was in the kitchen did a great job with the pizza. It was a great pizza and a large three topping pizza will run you $15 (14"). Dick's Pour House is a great place to grab a pizza (the best pizza in the county I hear) in Lelanau County and if Adam or Keith are working, make sure you tip them well.

There would be a picture of the pizza here...but well we ate it :)...use your imagination.

Tuesday after strolling the shops in Sutton's Bay we became hungry for lunch. We walked into Boone's Prime Time Pub where I had the most fabulous grilled chicken sandwich of my life. The chicken was moist and perfectly cooked. There was a small amount of teriyaki sauce on the breast which gave the chicken great flavor, it was served with chips-yet I chose to substitute fries. The fries were a great choice, because I would have been so jealous when Anica's came if I didn't order them! Anica ordered a burger topped with cheese, bacon and mushrooms. The coolest part of the burger is that it came with a full and fabulous condiment tray with mayonnaise, catsup, onions, regular and fancy mustard, some seasoning and something else that escapes me now. She said the burger was good. It was a large burger and they cooked it to her specifications. Our service was good and I would have gotten a great picture of the above mentioned fabulous condiment tray, but we were done with it and the tray was passed on...BUT, I did get this photo of me in the booth, if you look in the lower right hand corner you can see the tray. Very reasonable prices with lunch around $25.00 total.

I also got this picture...

Anica with her giant burger. My sandwich was gone already...but you can see how big her burger was as some of it fell out of the bun. She couldn't even finish it...I didn't have that problem with my chargrilled chicken sandwich.

After some time at another beach and some county touring, we were ready for dinner. We went to Northwest Grill in Sutton's Bay. It is a new restaurant owned by the same owner's as Boone's. The restaurants location is where Cafe' Bliss used to be if you know the area.
Northwest Grill was cute and cozy with an up north feel. A nice selection of favorites very reasonably priced. Anica had an organic peach daiquiri which was the most delicious drink I have tasted in quite some time. For dinner we both had dinner salads with mixed greens. Anica had prime rib, cooked rare to her specification with au jus accompanied by a baked potato with butter. It was so large she took some home for the next day. I had the fried prawns accompanied by a baked potato with butter and sour cream. The prawn's were cooked perfectly and accompanied by a Jagermeister barbecue sauce it sounds horrible, but was zippy and tasty. Although the prawn's were fried, the batter was light and not greasy. Both entrees were delicious and I would definitely recommend a stop by Northwest Grill. The entire meal was only $38.00 for the two of us.

Fried Prawns with baked potato

Anica with Kristen, our fabulous server who gave us A+ service even though we were at the end of her working a double shift. If you go in, ask for Kristen and tip this teacher-to-be well. She is from Flint and came to visit the county, fell in love with it an now calls it home.
PS note to: Runs with Spatula, what is a prawn? tasted like shrimp, what is the difference?

Who Needs a Wind Machine? (2 of 3)

(Cont. from I love NOT camping)

So, when I was reading the list of things Anica suggested I bring to Leelanau County I saw "Doo-rag, scarf or hat." I laughed and laughed at the vision of myself with a doo-rag. Anica has the greatest face for scarfs and hats and she will attest that I have never- in the 28 years she has known me- looked good in scarf's or hats. I do understand the need for me to wear one in the sun, etc. so I brought a visor and a hat.

This may be the best I ever looked in a hat! I think I was a Sophomore and Anica a Freshman in this photo shoot. LOL, Anica's hair was a bit too big to even rock that hat.

Here I am wearing one of Anica's you see, not much luck here either. I had just graduated high school, 1992.

OK, enough of the trip down memory lane and back to the trip to Leelanau County. I did bring a visor and a hat, but alas, the day we were at the beach and the wind was blowing...

I left my hat in the car. Anica, where are you? Oh, there you are under my hair!

We joked that my hair looked like it was stuck in a wind machine like the models use. However, as you see, it did not look flowing and beautiful like when the pros do it.

Here is what it should look like.

Brook Shields and Tyra have had decades to work that wind machine. In my case...

We had to do something about that hair in Anica's face! So, I decided to wear my sunglasses on my head like a headband. Surely that would work, right?

Note: my hair is still blowing directly in Anica's face. "I have a doo-rag in my backpack," said Anica. "Wow! This should be great, we have to get some pictures of THIS!" I replied.

Attempt number one.

First attempt...Hmmmmm...something is wrong. Someone already has this look. Yep, that's it. I totally look like Rosie O'Donnel! Nothing against Rosie, but uh, not my look! So, I think back to how Anica wore the scarf the day before.

It was pushed further back. Pretty as a picture. OK, maybe that will work. Let me try it...

Now I look like a house keeper-maybe a painter. I look like I am trying to hide a mullet or something! I have to try one more time. Maybe more like a headband.

Well, that is the best I got. Note to self: bring pony tail holder, barrette, or hat to the beach next time, or, just don't take pictures and hope no one notices. :)

Aside from Anica, here are some doo-rags that work:

Babies can pull anything off...


And even animals...

Hey....does this one look familiar? Oh, I crack myself up! I think the time off has driven me to entertain myself. Hope someone out there shares my giggles. :)